Friday, February 19, 2010

Std Brazilian Wax Could This Be Just An Ingrown Hair Or Is It Something Else?

Could this be just an ingrown hair or is it something else? - std brazilian wax

So I went to get a Brazilian wax, and now I had these little red bumps for about 3 weeks. I have a product called TendSkin it go, and some, but there are still few. You could ingrown hairs, although it there for 3 weeks? When the wax has been used in a person with an STD before I could get that sexually transmitted diseases may have, even if I am a virgin? Or is it just a rash? I go to the doctor, I was just curious if anyone had an idea. Do not (hurt or itch or anything.)


MxThera... said...

There's always that possibility, however, that EREA very sensitive and can be very painful. There is also a place that you tend to sweat, which may also be irritating. Try a little cold water and try to dry the surface and rub a lotion with aloe in it. see if it continues to worsen then a doctor for a possible infection. In this case, you must re-clean with a damp cloth and calming for fresh aloe right at the skin.

purplegi... said...

It is more likely that your ingrown hairs. You do not have an STD and it does not work.

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